Rules and terms
Deluxe Film Festival is an international film festival based in Rome, Italy.
Our mission and goal is to discover and promote talented directors from all over the world and present them to the public.
We have also created a special "DELUXE" category where only short films that have already won in other festivals can participate. In this way, we will be able to give space to short films that have never won a prize, participating in the other categories listed.
Each month our festival jury selects up to 10 winners from the main categories and reserves the right to choose or not choose winners from additional categories.

The festival has the following structure:
1. The selection of films: we see all the films presented.
2. The selected films will receive the "Official Selection" status of the month's edition.
3. We will select the semi-finalists who will have the opportunity to upload their work to a VOD platform.
4. We will announce the winners of each category
5. Sending digital prizes
6. Monthly winners will be considered for further selection. These will be invited to participate in the annual event in an exclusive location in Rome (In Via Capo D’Africa 9, Roma) where the selected short films will be screened and they will be able to receive an additional prize.
- DELUXE SHORT FILM, For the special Deluxe category we accept any kind of short as long as it has already been awarded in other festivals. In this way they will compete with all the other winners in a truly honorable challenge. In this category many semi-finalists will be chosen who will be able to access the VOD platform.
- ITALIAN SHORT FILM, in this category we only accept short films in Italian. If they are in a foreign language, they must have subtitles in Italian or they can participate in the other categories. Short documentaries are also allowed.
- INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM, in this category we accept short films from all over the world. However, they must have subtitles in English or Italian. Short documentaries are also allowed.
- ANIMATION SHORT FILM, in this category short films from all over the world are admitted. However, they must have subtitles in English or Italian.
- WEB/TV SERIES PILOT, short pilot from series from all over the world are admitted in this category. However, they must have subtitles in English or Italian.
- MOBILE SHORT FILM, in this category we only accept short films shot entirely with a smartphone.
- MUSIC VIDEO, in this category we only accept all type of music video
- FEATURE FILM, in this category we accept feature films from all over the world. However, they must have subtitles in English or Italian. Documentaries are also allowed.
- BEST INFLUENCER/YOUTUBER/SOCIALLY ENGAGED, we accept public figures of any kind, just send your link to social channels and a main video to show to the public.
- PREMIO ROSSELLINI , In questa categoria accettiamo solo i film e cortometraggi realizzati dagli studenti dell'Istituto Cine-TV Rossellini di Roma. (In this category we only accept films made by students of the Rossellini Cine-TV Institute in Rome.)